Thursday, January 6, 2011


The first theme that we choose from our date night jar is "Spa Night"!  This is an easy relaxing one.  I was excited to chill for an evening and get out the mud masks.  We started out with a foot bath using some herbal relaxation foot bath soak that you can buy at any pharmacy, it comes in individual packages right next to the face masks.  It also came with a lotion so after a good scrub down, heal buffer and full soak we applied lotion to the feet.  Next we did pedicures.  Cleaning the nails, cutting and shaping.  Then we moved onto face masks.  I love the mud masks.  After face masks we did the nose strips.  The amount of dirt that comes out using those things is absolutely discussing.  We ended the Spa Night with tea and hot chocolate and then watched movie.  Super simple but an effective way to bond without a game on in the back ground.  He even asked questions along the way like he was genuinely interested in what was going on.

Have fun with it.  Make a sign! 
Add some flowers to your foot bath.
These kits are aprox $20 and have everything
you need for a great Spa Night!
Dig if you have to..  
If he wines, pinch his skin and say...  OOPS

He will probably want hot chocolate and then complain
about not being able to sleep.

stick to tea for yourself.  herbal.

1 comment:

  1. This is great and so relaxing. Wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.

